
摘 要:目前,中小企业贷款难已经成为社会普遍关注的问题。作为专业贷款机构的商业银行,在积极主动地做好风险防范与控制的同时,应毫不吝惜地向中小企业打开贷款之门,严格按照法律程序放贷,实施风险控制和风险转移。并完善担保制度,为商业银行在发展中小企业贷款过程中,如何有效的防范风险,提高银行资产质量方面提出一些建议。
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Loan Bank Control and Prevention of Commercial Bank
Abstract:Nowadays,almost all small and medium-sized enterprises have difficulty in getting their loan.Under meanwhile the guidance of the government,the commercial banks,as the professional loan agency,undertake thistorcical task to improve the development of national economy.meanwhile,raises some proposals on how to control risks and improve banking assets quality during the course of expanding SME loan.
Key words:commercial bank;SMEs;lona risk;control;prevention