
摘 要:目前我国的信用评估体系还很不规范健全并且技术也较落后,而银行体系面临的风险又是我国金融风险的主要构成因素,因此构建科学的信用风险评估体系是非常必要的。本文的目的就是希望通过对我国银行信用风险评估体系现状和特殊性的分析,试图为我国商业银行信用风险评估体系的构建提供一些具有参考价值的建议。
In Chinese Commercial Banks of the Credit Risk Assessment System to Detect
Abstract: At present, China's credit evaluation system is still not standardized and the technology is relatively backward sound, while the risk of the banking system is China's main components of financial risk, credit risk, therefore construct a scientific evaluation system is necessary. The purpose of this paper is to hope that through our bank credit risk assessment system and the special status of the analysis, trying to assess the credit risk of Commercial Bank System provide some useful suggestions.
Key words: credit risk; bank financing; management; assessment [资料来源:www.doc163.com]