
摘 要
Rural Finance is the center of modern rural economy, is to promote the healthy development of the rural economy an important guarantee for building a new socialist countryside is a strong support. How do the financial crisis in China's rural financial innovation, promote rural economic development, as we have before us an important issue. This paper argues that to solve these problems exist in the current rural financial services, it is necessary to approach the center of the rural financial reform as a guide, further emancipate the mind, broaden their thinking, deepening rural financial reform, accelerate rural financial innovation, build a variety of forms coexist, reasonable division, functional complementation, moderate competition, sustainable development diverse, competitive and open rural financial system, taking full range of policy measures to build a strong financial foundation of the socialist new rural construction. Rural finance organizations must make innovation system, financial institutions and financial products, and constantly build a harmonious development model of rural economy, accelerate the pace of building new socialist countryside. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Keywords: new rural construction; rural finance; financial innovation
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
目录 3
引言 5
一、金融抑制和金融深化理论简介 5
(一)金融抑制理论 5
(二)金融深化理论 5
二、我国农村金融的发展历程 6
(一)摸索创新阶段(1978—1993年) 6
(二)多元化发展阶段(1994—1996年) 6
(三)补充完善阶段(1997—2006年) 6
(四)全面发展阶段(2006年至今) 7
三、农村金融服务的现状 7
(一)农村金融服务的覆盖面 7
1.农户贷款覆盖情况 7
2.存款、汇兑、结算等金融服务的覆盖情况 7
(二)农业贷款情况 7
1.农业大量贷款需求得不到满足 8
2.农业贷款投入效率低 8
(三)农村小额信贷发展情况 8
(四)农村资金运用状况 9
(五)农村金融体系发展的可持续性 9
1.农村信用社问题 9
2.农业银行问题 9
3.农业发展银行 9
4.非正规金融机构问题 10
(六)农村政策性金融状况 10
四、我国农村金融服务存在的问题 10
(一)农村金融组织资源供给不足 10
(二)农村金融体系定位不清和方向偏离 11
(三)农村金融服务体系不完善 11
(四)农村金融产品创新力不足 11
五、适应新农村建设的农村金融创新策略 11
(一)充分发挥信贷政策导向作用 12
(二)构建多层次的农村金融体系 12
(三)加强农业保险发展 12
(四)完善农村金融监管体系 13
(五)增加民间金融制度的有效供给 13 [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
(六)营造农村金融制度的市场供给机制 13
(七)加强非正规金融的风险防控 14
结论 14
致谢 14
参考文献 15