
摘 要
关键词:通货膨胀 澳门 实物类投资 理财
In recent years, domestic prices continue to rise, and gradually speed up the domestic inflation rate, the current has become the government and the public is very concerned about the topic. After 2008 the economic crisis, especially after the end of last year, CPI is from negative into positive, and keep rising trend, in October is ushered in the 25 months since the peak, and always condescending, let the public feel considerable pressure. This paper mainly takes Macao as an example, to explore the financial activities of the Macao people in the financial investment in the environment of inflation. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words: inflation, Macao, in kind, investment and financing
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1研究意义及目的 1
1.1.1研究意义 1
1.1.2研究目的 1
1.2研究方法及思路 1
1.2.1研究方法 1
1.2.2研究思路 1
2 通货膨胀和实物类投资概述 2
2.1通货膨胀概述 2
2.1.1通货膨胀的含义 2
2.1.2通货膨胀的分类 2
2.2实物类投资概述 3
2.2.1实物类投资的含义 3
2.2.2实物类投资的分类 3
2.3当前澳门通货膨胀现状分析 3
2.3.1货币流动性泛滥 3
2.3.2物价水平持续上升 4
3 通货膨胀条件下实物类投资理财的困境 4
3.1传统的实物类投资不能抵消通过膨胀对个人投资理财的影响 4
3.2实物投资产品种类繁多难以选择 5 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.3实物投资理财案例—以黄金投资为例 5
4 通货膨胀条件下实物类投资理财的建议 6
4.1个人投资理财应该遵循的原则 6
4.1.1规避风险原则 6
4.1.2量入为出原则 6
4.1.3资产配置原则 6
4.2相关建议 6
4.2.1黄金类投资理财建议 6
4.2.2股票投资理财建议 7
4.2.3基金投资理财建议 7
4.2.4房地产投资理财建议 7
5 结论 7
参考文献 8
致谢 8