摘 要
随着市场竞争越来越激烈,企业求得生存不仅停留在商品的质量上,还需要建立品牌文化,从而提高知名度,获得更高的效益。所谓品牌文化是指文化特质在品牌中的沉淀和品牌经营活动中的一切文化现象,以及它所代表的利益认知、情感归宿、个性形象价值观念的总和 。企业在运营之中,注重的是自身的建设,聘用专业的营销团队,从而建设品牌文化,并且进行一系列的营销活动,从而在众多企业中突出重围,在同行业站稳脚跟,并且具有强大的群众基础,但是这些方面都要依存企业的产品质量,在质量保证的前提下,进行品牌文化的建立和营销,从而满足消费者的需求,带动消费。但是对于我国现今的企业创建品牌文化营销的分析中,发现还存在着很多的问题,制约了企业的发展,需要企业不断的重视,从而找到营销的策略,更好的进行企业的建设,推动自身的经济以及文化的发展。
关键词: 品牌文化 存在问题 营销策略
With the increasingly fierce market competition , enterprises survive not only stay in the quality of goods , but also need to build brand culture , thus improving visibility, achieve higher efficiency. The so-called brand culture is , and it represents the interests of the sum of cognitive , emotional destination, cultural values, personality traits image precipitation and brand management activities in the brand in all cultural phenomena . Among companies in the operation , focusing on the construction of their own , hiring a professional marketing team , thus building brand culture, and a series of marketing activities to Win at many companies, a firm foothold in the industry and has a strong mass base, but these areas have interdependent enterprise product quality, quality assurance under the premise of conduct established brand culture and marketing , in order to meet consumer demand , stimulate consumption . But for today's enterprises to create a brand of cultural marketing analysis , we found that there are still many problems , restricting the development of enterprises, enterprises continue to need attention in order to find marketing strategies for construction companies to better promote itself economic and cultural development. [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words: Brand culture problems marketing strategy
目 录
(二)缺乏专业的营销团队……………………………………………………………………1 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
参考文献…………………………………………………………………………………………6 [来源:http://Doc163.com]