摘 要:住房公积金制度是我国住房制度改革的重要内容和中心环节。作为一项住房保障制度,它的实施对深化我国的住房商品化、社会化程度,全面推进住房货币化分配,改善广大群众的住房条件,尤其是城镇居民的住房问题,都发挥了重要作用。虽然,住房公积金制度在全国范围内实施已近20年,但是由于受到各种因素的影响,在整个运行过程中依然存在着一些问题。文章通过对我国现行住房公积金制度的发展历程、现状、存在缺陷等方面的分析,再借鉴研究国外一些值得我国住房公积金制度建设的先进经验,提出了适合我国国情的、能够完善我国现行住房公积金制度的对策和建议。
A Study on the situation and countermeasure in Fund System of Housing Accumulation
Abstract:Housing accumulation fund system is the important and central part of the housing system reform. As a housing security system, its implementation has played an important role for the deepening of the housing commercialization, socialization, for comprehensively promoting the monetization of housing allocation and for improving the housing conditions of the masses, particularly the urban residents. Although the housing accumulation fund system has been put in practice throughout the country for nearly 20 years, some problems still exist throughout the operation due to various factors. The article analyzed the development history of the housing provident fund system, current status, deficiencies referred some advanced experience abroad, and put forward for countermeasures and suggestions suitable for national conditions of China, to improve the existing housing fund system in China . [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words:housing accumulation fund; rules; Shanghai municipality; the amount of imputation
目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
一、 前言 2
二、我国住房公积金制度的概念、性质、特点 2
(一)我国住房公积金制度的概念及其性质 2
1、住房公积金的概念 2
2、住房公积金制度的性质 2
(二)住房公积金制度的特点 3
1、住房公积金是一种强制性的储蓄制度 3
2、住房公积金是一种政策性的储蓄制度 3
3、住房公积金是一种保障性的储蓄制度 3
4、住房公积金是一种长期性的储蓄制度 3
5、住房公积金是一种义务性的储蓄制度 3
三、住房公积金制度的发展历程 3
四、我国现行住房公积金制度的现状、存在的缺陷 5
(一)我国现行住房公积金制度的现状 5
(二)上海市住房公积金制度的现状 6
(三)我国现行住房公积金制度存在的问题 8
五、国际经验的启示 10
六、完善我国现行住房公积金制度的对策和建议 11
七、结束语 13
参考文献 13
致 谢 15 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]