摘 要:我国现行的征地补偿制度与市场经济相悖,补偿原则、补偿依据和补偿方法都严重偏离价值规律,造成被征地农民的利益受损。本文按照市场经济原则和价值规律构建土地征收价格体系,根据土地的产权、功能及其带来的收益确定土地征收价格构成,即:土地质量价格、社会保障价格和部分土地增值,切实保护被征地农民的利益,为土地征收价格制度的变革提供理论依据和技术依据。
Study on the Price System of Land Expropriation
Abstract: The current land expropriation compensation system of China does not conform to the market economy. Compensation principle, compensation basis and compensation method are gravely deviates from the law of value, causing the interests of landless peasants is damaged. This text, according to the principle of market economy and law of value construction land expropriation price system, according to the land property rights, function and the benefits to determine the composition of land expropriation price, namely: the land quality price, social security price and part of land value increment. Purpose is to protect the interests of landless peasants, to provide the theory basis and the technical basis for land expropriation price institutional change.
Key words: Rural land; Land compensation standards; Land expropriation price; Price system; Land value