摘要:本文根据LandsatTM 数据, 利用单窗算法对洞庭湖区域进行地表温度反演, 得出湖区地表温度场的分布规律, 并通过选取相邻时段数据分析比较。结果表明:温度反演成果可靠误差小,湖区温度比周边植被低、裸露地地表温度偏低,湖泊冷盆效应明显; 地表温度与土地利用类型紧密相关。研究成果对于改善湖区生态环境、加强科学规划洞庭湖有参考价值。
Based on the dongting lake temperature inversion composed multi-temporal remote sensing data images
Abstract:According to LandsatTM data, using single window algorithm in dongting lake area, it is concluded that the surface temperature inversion lake surface temperature field distributions, and through comparison adjacent time selected data. The results show that temperature inversion results reliable error is smaller than the surrounding vegetation, lakes, low temperature surface temperature is low, to bare lake basin effect is obvious; cold The temperature of the earth's surface is closely related with the land use types. Research results to improve ecological environment, strengthening scientific lake dongting lake some reference value. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: Dongting lake; ETM data; temperature inversion.