
摘 要:随着经济不断发展,人民生活水平的提高,旅游越来越受到大众的青睐。同时在扩大内需的背景下,我国政府把旅游业列为新的经济增长点,作为扩大消费的重要举措,具有重要的现实意义。大学生是旅游消费群体中的一部分,它的市场前景广阔。通过对大学生旅游消费的决策因素的研究,了解行为对决策的影响,同时也将更加有助于开发大学生旅游的这一市场前景。本文将理论和实践相结合,重点研究分析了以下内容:简述国内外大学生旅游消费行为的现状,相关基本概念,及对旅游消费行为研究相关学术理论。通过设计问卷调查,以湖南高校为例,对大学生旅游决策行为影响因素进行分析并得出结论,并对开发大学生旅游消费市场做出分析并提出一些建议。
Study on factors of college student travel decision
Abstract: With economic development, people's living standards improve, more and more people of all ages travel. At the same time in the context of expanding domestic demand, China's Government put the tourism industry as a new economic growth point, as an important measure to expand consumption has important practical significance. College students in the tourist part of consumer groups, its market prospect is broad. Tourism consumption by college students in decision-making factors, to understand the behavior of the Decision, but will also help develop college students travel more this market prospects. This paper will combine theory and practice, focusing on analysis of the following: domestic and international college students briefly the status of tourism consumer behavior, the underlying concepts, and research on tourism-related academic consumer behavior. Through the questionnaire, Hunan University, for example, travel decision behavior of college students to analyze factors and concluded, and consumer markets make the development of tourism college students and some suggestions.
Keywords: Tourism consumption; Decision factors; Tourism market; College students