
摘 要: 电视购物作为一种全新的无店铺零售形态,在国外取得了很大的发展。电视购物在进入中国后走过不少弯路,这一行业未来的发展方向和战略是目前所有经营者和从业者迫切需要解决的问题。
Study On Business Model Innovation Of TV Shopping-Taking Happygo Channel As The Example
Abstract: TV shopping,being a brand-new virtual retail model ,has achieved great development. while the TV shopping comes into China it also inevitability went a wrong way.The future direction of the industry and strategy is the mainly problem that should been solved by all the managers and staff.
This paper studies the development of domestic and international television shopping status, look for the problems of TV shopping, and happy to share Hunan example, analysis of its TV shopping business model innovation and success. TV shopping channel to domestic operators and workers in a little reference for.
Key Word: Tv Shopping; Business Model ; Innovation