
摘 要:在国内果汁饮料市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,作为在国内果汁饮料众多的竞争者中占据着领跑者位置的统一企业,继续完善改进其营销渠道将是必需要探索的课题。本文分析了统一企业果汁饮料的营销渠道的现状,发掘出统一企业营销渠道的优势,并揭示出其存在的问题与不足。提出统一企业的果汁饮料营销渠道应加大对其中间商的控制力度,并合理的进行渠道整合来压缩渠道成本。最后对其渠道存在的问题与不足提出了对策和建议。
Studing on Uni-President of Marketing Channel juice
Abstract: In China,the juice drinks'market is becoming increasingly competitive. As a leading enterprise in squash market,it is necessary fot us to explore how to continue perfecting their sales market. This thesis analyses the present of Uni-President's squash sales channel,explores its advantages and sums up it problems and deficiency. It put forward that Uni-President should tightened its grip on the intermediaries and intergrate its channel reasonably to cut down channel costs. In the end, it provides some strategies and suggestions to solve the problems.
Key words: Marketing channel;Channel control;Seamless marketing