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关键词: NBA     中国市场  营销策略  SWOT分析
The NBA in China marketing strategy analysis
China is the NBA's biggest overseas market, more and more domestic enterprises to become the NBA's global partners, the NBA has become a new economic driver of China, study the NBA in China marketing strategy is important for economic and social benefits. On the research methods used in this paper the method of literature review, logical analysis, the SWOT analytic method to study the NBA marketing problems in China. First, an overview of the NBA's marketing model, through the discussion of the NBA operation status and operational mechanism analysis of the NBA's management mode, service mode, brand strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy. Then analysis the marketing way to the NBA in the European market, analysis of its marketing strategy in the European market strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats. To learn from the NBA in the European market marketing strategy analysis of the NBA in the Chinese market marketing strategy. Results show that the NBA insist on globalization and promotion strategies, attaches great importance to develop overseas markets; The NBA attaches great importance to the consumer demand, to consumer demand as the center of the product strategy; The NBA localization management strategy in the Chinese market; The NBA with brand strategy as the core, pay attention to the shaping of brand culture. [资料来源:]
Keywords: NBA; China marketing; Marketing strategy; SWOT analysis


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 文献综述    1
1.3 研究目的和意义    3
1.4 本文的研究内容    3
第二章 NBA营销模式概述    5
2.1 NBA的运营现状和运作机制    5
       2.1.1 NBA的运营现状  5
        2.1.2 NBA的运作机制  5
2.2 NBA的营销模式    6
2.2.1 管理模式    6
2.2.2 服务模式    7
2.2.3 品牌策略    7
2.2.4 价格策略    8
2.2.5 促销策略    8


2.3 NBA在中国市场的扩张    9
2.4 本章小结    10
第三章  NBA在欧洲的营销推广策略分析    11
3.1 NBA在欧洲市场的运营现状    11
3.2 NBA在欧洲市场的营销推广途径    11
3.2.1 NBA海外赛    11
3.2.2 大篷车文化活动    11
3.3.3 组建分赛区    12
3.3 NBA在欧洲市场营销推广策略的SWOT分析    12
3.3.1 优势    12
3.3.2 劣势    13
3.3.3 机会    13
3.3.4 威胁    13
3.4 本章小结    14
第四章  NBA在华营销推广策略分析    15
4.1 NBA在华市场的运营现状    15
4.2 NBA在华市场的营销模式    16
4.2.1 NBA在华的管理模式    16
4.2.2 NBA在华的服务模式    16
4.2.3 NBA在华的品牌策略    17
4.2.4 NBA在华的价格策略    17


4.2.5 NBA在华的促销策略    17
4.3 NBA在华营销推广策略分析    18
4.3.1 NBA中国市场营销存在的问题    18
4.3.2 借鉴NBA其他市场的营销推广策略经验    18
4.3.3 借鉴其他体育项目在中国市场的营销策略经验    19
4.3.4 NBA在华市场营销推广策略的SWOT分析    19
4.4 本章小结    20
第五章  结论与展望    22
5.1 论文主要结论    22
5.2 进一步研究方向    22
参考文献    23
致谢    25


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