摘 要:当前,随着经济全球化和信息技术的高速发展,企业的发展面临着新的情况和新的变化。其中,人力资源的竞争尤为激烈。而人力资源管理对企业的发展壮大又有着至关重要的作用。但现实中,农村企业在吸引人才上本身存在劣势,同时许多农村企业还并没有真正从战略上重视人力资源这个问题,对这一问题认识不足、措施不力、创新不够。因此,如何在市场经济的激烈竞争中更有效地吸引、优化和创新人力资源管理,强化企业核心竞争力,是农村企业在新阶段必须面对的极其重要的问题。
关键词: 农村企业 人力资源 优化 问题 管理
Discussing On The Optimization Of Rural Enterprise Human Resources Management
Abstract:At present,with the globalizationg of economy and the rapid development of modern information technology , enterprise development faces the new situation and new changes.Human resources competitive particularly intense. Rural enterprise in the human resources has many disadvantages. And many rural enterprise is not really importance to this problem from the strategic, inadequate understanding on this problem, measures ineffectively, innovation is not enough. Optimization and innovation of rural human resource management is in the new stage of enterprise must face important issues .
Key words:rural enterprise ,human resources,optimization,problems,management