关键词:小额贷款 互联网 商业模式
In a stage of rapid development of economy in our country, due to the business support of national policy, the scale of the entrepreneurs are also growing, the domestic is also increasing the number of small businesses. Many small businesses need to micro-finance company to apply for a loan, because the small loan companies in the development process of the financing channels too little, but because of the loan amount could not reach the requirements of commercial Banks, so it is hard to obtain the necessary development funds, this is a small loan companies in one reason for the rapid development of our country. And under the impact of the Internet, the Internet financial, a lot of small loan companies are transforming to online, and Internet giant also enter the micro-finance industry, small loans to appear a lot of new business model. Study method in this paper, using literature study, supplemented by theory of micro-finance financial were summarized, and the Internet to study the Internet under the small loan company's business model, and analysis the advantages and risks, and put forward improvement opinion to the risks.
Keywords:micro-finance Internet businessmodel
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景与研究目的及意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的及意义 2
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国内研究现状 2
1.2.2国外研究现状 2
第二章 互联网金融对小额贷款的影响 4
2.1小额贷款与互联网金融的概述 4
2.1.1小额贷款的概述 4
2.1.2互联网金融的概述 4
2.1.3互联网金融对小额贷款的冲击 4
2.2传统小额贷款的劣势 5
2.3传统小额贷款的机会 5
第三章 互联网下小额贷款公司商业模式的研究 6
3.1中介模式 6
图3.1中介模式 6
3.1.1盈利模式 6 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]
3.1.3存在的问题 7
3.2债权转让模式 7
3.2.1盈利模式 7
3.2.3存在的问题 7
3.3担保模式 7
3.3.1盈利模式 8
3.3.2存在的问题 8
3.4阿里模式 8
3.4.1阿里小贷 8
3.4.2盈利模式 9
3.4.3存在的问题 9
第四章 互联网下小额公司的改进策略 10
4.1完善个人信用体系 10
4.2建立并完善信用评级机制 10
4.3加强法律法规的建设 10
4.4设计合理的风险分担机制 11
4.5规范平台 11
4.6加强行业自律 11
第五章 陆金所小额贷款案例分析 12
5.1陆金所的发展 12
5.2陆金所P2P业务模式分析 12
5.2.1担保模式与其它P2P网贷平台的对比 12 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
5.2.2债权转让模式与其它P2P网贷平台的对比 12
5.2.3陆金所P2P盈利方式 13
5.3陆金所P2P业务承受的风险 13
5.3.1 法律风险 13
5.3.2信用风险 14
5.3.3信息技术风险 14
5.4陆金所P2P网贷改进策略 14
5.4.1建立信用机制 14
5.4.2设立激励制度 15
5.4.3提高业务的开放度 15
第六章 结论 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]