Title::Research and analysis of real estate evaluation index system based on market method.
At present, China's real estate industry is developing rapidly. Along with the pace of reform and opening up, China's real estate industry has gradually formed a new development system. The late start but rapid development of China's real estate industry, the housing system and supply system has also undergone tremendous changes. The traditional housing distribution system relies on welfare housing, and now it depends on monetization. The new provident fund system has been established. At the same time, it has driven a large number of new affordable housing developments and established a new housing supply system. The development of reform and opening up not only succeeded in housing, but also transformed a series of land systems. The traditional land system is the use of the land for no-pay, the reliance on administrative responsibility for allocating land and the strict prohibition of private transfer of land users. The traditional real estate production methods are scattered and do not concentrate on construction, and are mainly invested and constructed by the state. The current land system is a paid compensation system that allows the transfer of land. The production method has also become comprehensive development among real estate companies. The new policies and new reforms in the real estate industry have had a huge impact on the domestic market. Real estate has gradually become a new way to enter people's lives and circulate in the market. There are many ways to evaluate real estate in China. The three main methods are income method, cost method and market method. All of the three methods have their advantages and disadvantages. In the actual evaluation process, they are often used in combination with each other. There are certain differences in the scope of assessment and the overall thinking of the three methods, but they can exert greater effects when combined. Among these three methods, market law is the most widely used and widely recognized and accepted in the real estate industry. Therefore, this paper has combined a large number of literature and theoretical analysis, made a project assessment analysis of market law, and solved problems. Based on this, some suggestions are made. The article focuses on the real estate project YZ, focusing on the application of market law in specific projects. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words: market law; real estate evaluation; YZ real estate
摘 要 Ⅶ
Abstract Ⅷ
1、 绪论 1
2、 基于市场法的房地产评估理论概述 2
2.1房地产评估基本概念 2
2.2市场法的含义 2
2.3市场法的理论依据 2
3、 房地产评估市场法存在的问题 4
3.1使用代替原则的主观性大 4
3.2 权重修正因素影响主观性 4
3.3 最终的评估结果确定方法过于简单 5
4、 房地产评估案例 6
4.1 待估房地产项目YZ概况 6
4.1.1权属状况 6
4.1.2房产现状与周边环境估价 6
4.2 参照实例的选取 6
4.3 本次房地产项目评估的重点与难点 7
4.3.1参照实例数据资料的搜集 7
4.3.2传统市场法评估过程 8
4.3.3层次分析法计算过程 9
4.4 基于市场法的房地产项目评估过程 10
4.4.1运用传统市场法的评估过程 10
4.4.2运用层次分析法的市场法评估过程 12
4.4.3评估结果差异分析 17
5、 房地产估价中的相关建议 19
5.1 政府完善房地产市场 19
5.2 提高专业技能和评估水平 19
5.3 广泛宣传,引起全市场的关注 19
6、 结语 20
参 考 文 献 21