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随着美国Facebook“脸书”的盛行,在过去的很长一段时间里,中国也出现了很多与“脸书”类似的SNS网站。SNS:Social Network Service中文直译是:网络社交服务,SNS网站其实是根据一种名叫六度分割的理论为基础而建立起来的网站,在这个网站上你可以认识不同的朋友,然后再通过这些朋友认识更多新的朋友,以此类推。但除了SNS网站数量上的增加之外,中国的SNS网站们好像并没有更多的创新。


关键词: SNS网站  人人网  核心能力  盈利模式

Relevance of Core Competence and Profit Model Design of Renren
With the prevalence of American Facebook, China appeared many SNS websites similar with Facebook for a very long time in the past. The Chinese liter translation of SNS is “网络社交服务”. SNS is actually a website established based on the theory of six degrees of separation. On this website, you will meet a lot of friends , by whom you will meet new friends, and so forth. However, Chinese SNS websites seem to lack innovation and just increase in quantity.
Chinese SNS market has been divided up by local websites like Renren, Sina microblog and Wechat. Therefore, other followers like Kaixin inevitably raised the problem of homogenization because it only imitates foreign SNS websites lacking of innovation. As a result, after a period of operation, fewer and fewer persons use it and it’s hard to achieve expected effect. [资料来源:]
Based on above thinking, this essay will be divided into five parts to analyze and explore core competence and profit model of Renren. In the first part, raise the problem and state the current situation of research on SNS websites at home and abroad, as well as an introduction to main content and study method of this essay. The second part includes literature review, detailed discussion of SNS websites and features of SNS websites at home and abroad. In the third part, analyze core competence and profit model, get a general knowledge of current marketing environment of Renren and find out its problems and weakness. In the fourth part, I’ll come up with resolutions to the problems I think feasible. The last part is a summary of the whole essay and also put forward my suggestions as for future development of Renren.

Key words:  SNS website;  Renren;  core competence;  profit mo
目  录
摘要    4
Abstract    3

第一章 绪论    7
1.1问题提出    7
1.2论文主要研究内容与方法    8
1.2.1本文研究内容    8
1.2.2本文主要研究方法    8
1.2.3本文结构安排    8
第二章 文献综述    10
2.1.研究背景以及研究意义    10
2.2 国内研究现状    11
2.3 国外研究现状    11
第三章 人人网基本结构和产品分析    13
3.1 人人网简介    13
3.2 人人网站功能架构    15
3.3 网站基本结构    15
3.4 人人网的特征:    18
3.5 人人网核心产品分析    19
第四章 人人网核心能力分析    20
4.1 人人网核心能力具体分析    20
4.1.1移动社交化    20
4.1.2娱乐社交化    21
4.1.3.内容社交化    21
4.1.4.全网社交化    21

4.2 人人网核心能力存在的问题    22
4.2.1 模式单一,偏重游戏    22
4.2.2 核心能力缺乏与时俱进,增长放缓    22
4.2.3 名人主页太少,关注度薄弱    23
第五章 人人网盈利模式分析    23
5.1 盈利模式具体分析    23
5.1.1 广告和游戏    23
5.1.2.服务    24
5.1.3 电子商务    25
5.1.4 付费调研    26
5.2 人人网盈利模式存在的问题    26
第六章 针对人人网目前存在的问题提出合理化建议    27
6.1针对核心能力存在问题提出的合理化方案    27
6.2针对盈利模式存在问题提出的合理化方案    27
参考文献    29
致谢    31 [资料来源]

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