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摘 要


关键词:财务舞弊 ,动因 ,解决对策

   The financial fraud of listed companies has long been a common bad habit in the field of capital, since the first case of financial fraud occurred in 1720, such cases continue to appear around the world. After twenty-first Century, the infamous financial scandals are more and more frequent. Some of the world's largest companies are also increasingly involved in fraud, which makes the world of capital in the dark. Domestic fraud scandals are also growing trend. The financial fraud of listed companies has greatly damaged the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and restricted the smooth progress of enterprises, but also undermined the moral foundation of the capital. A careful study of the factors of domestic listed companies financial fraud, fraud and find out ways of identification skills, aiming at preventing domestic financial fraud of listed companies, listed companies to boost the good steady progress, for security investment foundation the legitimate rights of the people and the integrity of the capital once again lay the field, the implications are far-reaching.


   Therefore, this paper focuses on the issue of financial fraud of Listed Companies in China, from the meaning of financial fraud, focusing on the domestic listed companies in the way of financial fraud, incentives, harm and other aspects of the detailed study. Relying on the above research, the final point of view to prevent domestic listed companies financial fraud action of the actual opinion. How to prevent domestic listed companies financial fraud act, article think whether listed companies, supervision departments or CPA firms should be actively involved, adhere to tackling the problem, focusing on the fundamental principle, a multi pronged, comprehensive management.

Key words: financial fraud,Motivation,countermeasures

目 录
第一章 财务舞弊的识别与防治    1
1.1财务舞弊概述    1
1.2财务舞弊与相关概念的区别    2
1.2.1会计差错    2
1.2.2盈余管理    2

1.2.3利润操作    3
1.3财务舞弊的危害    3
1.3.1对公司的害处    3
1.3.2对利益关联者的害处    3
1.3.3带给会计领域的害处    4
第二章 上市公司财务舞弊的手段    5
2.1虚构交易事实    5
2.1.1虚列营销所得交易事宜    5
2.1.2篡改会计截止时间操控所得    5
2.1.3提早明确所得    5
2.1.4将非经营资本变化成经营所得    5
2.2借助非营业活动提高净利润    6
2.2.1利息花费资本化    6
2.2.2广告花费资本化    6
2.2.3平时费用开支挂账    6
2.2.4提前支出费用将当前利润转嫁至以后    7
2.3利用关联交易    7
2.3.1款项来往舞弊    7
2.3.2分摊费用    7
2.3.3借助经济项目舞弊    7
2.3.4托付运营舞弊    7 [资料来源:]
2.3.5转嫁利润从而避开税收    8
第三章 上市公司财务舞弊的动因分析    9
3.1内部原因    9
3.3.1内部控制体系不健全    9
3.1.2独立董事不独立且不恪尽职守    9
3.1.3监事会及股东大会职能减弱    9
3.2外部原因    10
第四章 上市公司财务舞弊的治理对策    11
4.1企业内部整顿    11
4.2完善法律制度    11
4.2.1制定太宽的政策法规    11
4.2.2加强会计准则的刚性及权威性    12
4.2.3特别情况特别处理    12
4.3强化外部单独审计    13
4.3.1变革注册会计师聘任及收费体制    13
4.3.2制约接手非审计项目    13
4.4提升监督实效    13
第五章 结束语    15
参考文献    16


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