摘 要:现今,非正规就业已成为我国重要的就业形式,然而针对非正规就业劳动者群体的社会保障制度很不完善,有关的法律制度更是空白。由于得不到应有的保障,社会中存在大量侵犯他们权益的现象。本文从非正规就业保障的相关概念入手,回顾了非正规就业在我国的发展路程,以及我国相关社会保障制度和法律制度,并重点分析了我国非正规就业劳动者社会保障现状和问题,最后提出对这些问题修正的法律改进建议和对策。
关键词:非正规就业 ; 非正规就业劳动者法定权益 ; 社会保障制度
The Informal Employees'Social Security
Abstract: Today, informal employment has become an important form of employment, however, groups of workers in informal employment for the social security system is not perfect, the legal system is blank. Because of lack of proper protection, there are numerous violations of their social rights and interests of the phenomenon. This article related to informal employment security concept, reviewed the informal employment in China's development journey, and the related social security system and our legal system, and analyzed the employment of non-formal status and problems of social security workers, Finally amended the law on these issues and suggestions for improvement measures.
Key words: non-formal employment;Statutory rights of workers in informal employment;Social security system