摘 要:执行回转制度作为执行救济制度的一种事后弥补性救济方式,通过对不当或违法执行行为进行矫正,保障执行当事人或第三人的合法权益。但由于立法规定不够明确具体,理论界对此问题研究不多,导致执行回转制度在司法实践中暴露出诸多问题。本文分析了我国执行回转制度存在的问题,并就如何完善我国执行回转制度提出了自己的看法。
The implementation of the system of rotating defects and improving
Abstract:Of execution system as a relief system after the implementation of compensatory remedies, through the implementation of improper or illegal conduct of correction, or third parties to guarantee the implementation of the lawful rights and interests. However, due to lack clear and specific legislative provisions, theorists little research on this issue, leading to the implementation of rotation system revealed many problems in judicial practice. This article analyzes the problems in the implementation of rotation system, and how to improve the implementation of rotation of the system put forward their views. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
Key words:Execution rotation; Carries out the scope; Rotation responsibility; Legislationsystem