
The laws of Tang Dynasty is famous for its high legislative level, concise languages and rigorous structure, the rules and regulations on surrendered system has been the basement on which laws are made. This paper based on <Tang Code>,focused onthe rules of surrendered system in<Mingli Law> and <Dousong Law>. By historical approach, the paper analyze the background,the law reference,the terms and exception ,Besides, we discussed about the guiding thoughts of surrendered system. By analysis, the paper put forward the features of surrendered system of Tang Dynasty and the comments on Tang Code and argue the influence of <Tang Code> on contemporarysociety and later society.
Key words:voluntary surrender system, Tang Code,the Tang Dynasty law system, influence
绪论 1
一、 唐代自首制度的立法背景 1
二、 唐代自首制度的内涵及成立条件 2
(一)唐代自首成立方式的规定 2
(二)唐律自首制度成立的一般条件 2
三、唐代自首制度的特殊规定 3
1. 禁止自首的情形 3
2. 自首不彻底 4
3. 官吏失职犯罪的自首 5
参考文献 6