
Research on the divorce standard
摘 要
The law of divorce standard not only demonstrate the fundamental purpose of guiding ideology and the system of divorce divorce legislation in a country or region where the accumulation of traditional culture, but also about divorce is also a country, a region of the essence and law culture in reality to reflect and show. Theoretical study on the standard of divorce, can face about divorce system surface form, also can grasp the legislative spirit and basic content of the system, it can be a very good guide the mainstream and trend of social development on marriage, divorce. Therefore, based on the standard of divorce as a research theme have positive social significance and important realistic role. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
目 录
摘 要--------Ⅰ
一、引 言 3
(一) 研究意义与目的 3
(二) 国内外研究动态 4
(三) 创新点及难点 4
二、 离婚标准的内涵 4
(一) 离婚概念界定 4
(二) 离婚特征 5
(三) 离婚标准的内涵 6
三、离婚标准既定原则 7
(一)离婚自由原则 7
(二) 婚姻追求原则 7
(三) 保障弱势群体原则 8
(四) 维护婚姻稳定原则 8
四、对我国现行离婚标准建议 9
(一) 明确规定离婚是夫妻个体自由 9
(二)规定离婚的条件与禁止离婚的情况 9
五、 结 语 10
参考文献 10
鸣 谢 12 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]