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摘  要

In recent decades, with the development of computer, signal processing, microelectronics and digital communication, speech coding technology has developed rapidly. It is an important part of modern communication and information science to achieve a series of important achievements and effectively promote the development and popularization of digital communication. Advanced technology has developed for a long time, today's society has entered the digital age. Mobile communication technology is one of the signature technologies of the digital age. It has greatly satisfied people's living needs and promoted the vigorous development of all walks of life. Mobile communication speech coding technique is an important link of mobile communication, it converts analog signals into digital signals, the signal can be transmitted in a digital system, improve the stability and reliability of the transmission, complied with the development of the society greatly. [来源:]
This article will mainly introduce mobile voice coding technology base, analyses several basic way of speech coding, including waveform coding and parameter coding, hybrid coding.Then the speech coding technology used in several generations of mobile communication systems and the speech scheme in the current fourth-generation mobile communication networks will be introduced.
Key words: mobile communication, basic technology, speech coding.


第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究目的及意义    1
1.2研究现状    1
1.3 研究内容    2
第2章 移动通信语音编码技术基础    3
2.1 移动通信语音编码系统的构成    3
2.2 编码方式分类    3
2.2.1 传统的分类方法    3
2.2.2 按照编码速率分类    4
2.2.3 按照被编码信号所在的域的分类方法    5
2.2.4 按照编码所用的技术的分类    5
2.2.5基于编码算法是否依赖于某个模型假设的分类方法    5
2.2.6 根据编码技术出现时间和技术发展情况的分类    5
2.3 移动通信语音编码性能指标    6
2.3.1 编码质量    6


2.3.2 编码速率    6
2.3.3 编译码时延    7
2.3.4 坚韧性    7
2.4 本章小结    7
第3章 2G系统中的语音编码技术    8
3.1 混合编码的关键技术    8
3.1.1线性预测分析技术    8
3.1.2感知加权技术    9
3.1.3合成分析技术    10
3.2 规则脉冲激励线性预测理论    11
3.2.1 规则脉冲激励线性预测编解码原理    11
3.2.2 规则脉冲激励序列的选取    11
3.3 RPE-LTP编码    12
3.3.1 RPE-LTP编码器    12
3.3.2 RPE-LTP译码器    13
3.4 本章小结    14
第4章 3G系统中的语音编码技术    14
4.1 变速率语音编码    14
4.2 自适应多速率语音编码(AMR)    14
4.3 AMR编码器    14
4.4 AMR译码器    16
4.5 本章小结    16 [版权所有:]
第5章 4G移动通信网络的语音方案    17
5.1 VoLTE简述    17
5.2 IP多媒体子系统——IMS    17
5.2.1 IMS简介    17
5.2.2 LTE网络中的语音编码    18
5.2.3 IMS专有承载的建立    18
5.3 SIP协议    19
5.3.1 SIP协议简介    19
5.3.2 SIP呼叫流程    19
5.4 本章小结    19
第6章 总结与展望    20
6.1 论文总结    20
6.2 展望与进一步研究设想    20
参考文献    21
致谢    22

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