
关键词:单片机 超声波 温度补偿 测距
The design of Ultrasonic Ranging System Based on Microcontrollers
This design introduces the principle of the ultrasonic distance measurement instrument which is based on SCM. As soon as the AT89C51 controls timers to produce the ultrasonic wave pulse, the time which records the ultrasonic wave round-trip from emission to receive has been measured. Then we can calculate the distance through it. And the adjustment of temperature compensation is added in the data processing, with LCD1602 displays the distance and temperature. The entire hardware circuit is composed by microcontroller circuit,ultrasonic transmitter circuit, ultrasonic receiver circuit, the power circuit, display circuit, and other modules. The probe signals achieve the various functions of different modules under the control of SCM. The system’s overall concept has been designed based on this and all the needed function has been achieved on hardware and software.
As has been proved by experiment, the instrument system has the flowing features: stability of operation, highness of precision and high readability.
Keywords: Microcontroller; Ultrasonic wave; Temperature compensation; Measure distance

摘要 I
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 本论文主要任务 1
1.3 论文结构安排 2
第二章 基于单片机的超声波测距系统简介 3 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
2.1 超声波简介 3
2.2 超声波测距原理 3
2.3 超声波传感器 4
第三章 基于单片机的超声波测距系统设计 6
3.1 系统总体方案的设计 6
3.2 系统模块的选择 6
3.2.1控制模块的选择 6
3.2.2 超声波测距模块的选择 6
3.3.3温度检测模块的选择 8
3.3.4显示模块的选择 8
第四章 超声波测距系统的硬件实现 9
4.1 单片机电路设计 9
4.1.1 单片机外围电路的设计 9
4.1.2 单片机最小系统 11
4.2 超声波测距电路 12
4.2.1 超声波发射电路 12
4.2.2超声波接收电路 12
4.3 环境温度补偿电路 13
4.4 LCD显示电路 13
4.5相关芯片介绍 14
4.5.1 89C51系列单片机简介 14
4.5.2 DS18B20简介 15
4.5.3 LCD1602简介 16
第五章 软件设计 18
5.1 主程序设计 18
5.2 超声波发送子程序及超声波接收子程序 20
5.3测温子程序 20
5.4 距离计算子程序 21
5.5 LCD1602显示子程序 22
第六章 系统调试 24
6.1 调试环境——Keil 24
6.2 硬件调试 25
6.3 软件调试 26
第七章 论文总结 28
7.1 误差分析 28
7.2 论文小结 28
参考文献 29
附录 系统硬件原理图 30
致谢 31 [版权所有:http://DOC163.com]