
本文首先对蓝牙寻物系统的产生背景、发展前景、以及新技术使用现状进行了综述,并且给出了设计中采取的方案,详细阐述了各个模块的方案选择。此次设计的这个寻物系统分为两部分,分别是子机和主机,主机部分即为手机部分,子机为寻物器部分,由单片机、蓝牙模块、声光报警模块、升压模块和电源模块等部分组成的,首先打开主机上的手机蓝牙功能对周围的蓝牙设备进行搜索,搜索到子机的蓝牙后进行配对,配对完成后,子机端的单片机通过串行端口向蓝牙模块发送数据,主机端的手机蓝牙接收数据。当主机端与子机端的距离超过一定范围时,主机端手机会立即发出警报声,提示使用者,立即回头寻找查看。蓝牙寻物器的优点有许多,比如拥有很高的可靠性,非常稳定,抗干扰,使用方便,性价比高等特点。本文对各个软硬件组成模块分别做了细致分析,最后总结了软硬件设计、调试、组合实物过程中遇到的问题和解决方法。 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
Design of Intelligent Bluetooth Object-Finding SystemBased on MCU
Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, social science and technology are progressing, and economic development leads to the improvement of people's living standards, but busy work also accelerates people's pace of life. These reasons make people have a lot of opportunities to go out, such as travel, and so on. Because of carelessness or too haste.Many people are in such a hurry that they leave things behind. And some important items lost or can not be found for a while, will cause great trouble and inconvenience to people, and even cause serious property losses and so on. Therefore, 51 MCU as the controller of the intelligent Bluetooth object - finding system came into being.
In this paper, we introduce the Bluetooth object finding system from many aspects, such as its background ,development potential, and the current situation of application. This system is composed of STC89C52RC MCU, Bluetooth module, audible and visual alarm module, boost module and power module. The host is the mobile phone part, and the computer is the searcher part. Initially, the Bluetooth function of the mobile phone on the host should be turned on to search for the peripheral Bluetooth devices. After searching for the Bluetooth of the child unit, the matching is completed. After the matching is completed, the MCU of the child unit transmits data to the Bluetooth module through the serial port.The tooth module sends data and Bluetooth receives data in real time. When the distance between the mobile phone and the sub-machine exceeds a certain distance, the mobile phone sends out an alarm, prompts the holder to immediately look for the view. Bluetooth object finder has many advantages, such as high reliability, very stable, anti-jamming, easy to use and high cost-effective. This paper makes a detailed analysis of each hardware and software components, and finally summarizes the problems and solutions encountered in the process of hardware and software design, debugging and combination of physical objects.
Key words:MCU Bluetooth Object-Finding system

摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题的背景和意义 1
1.2蓝牙防丢器的研究现状 1
1.3论文的主要内容 3
第二章 蓝牙寻物系统的方案设计 4
2.1主要功能和工作原理 4
2.1.1蓝牙寻物系统的主要功能和性能要求 4
2.1.2蓝牙寻物器的工作原理 4
2.2核心器件的选择 5
2.2.1主控芯片的选择 5
2.2.2蓝牙模块的选择 6
2.2.3电源模块的选择 6
第三章 蓝牙寻物系统的硬件电路设计 7
3.1电路板设计 7
3.2单片机系统基本模块的设计 7
3.2.1主控芯片电路 7
3.3声光报警电路的设计 8
3.4蓝牙模块的设计 9
3.5升压模块的设计 9
3.6按键模块的设计 10 [资料来源:Doc163.com]
第四章 蓝牙寻物器的软件设计 12
4.1程序结构分析 12
4.2软件流程设计 12
4.3程序总体流程设计 12
4.3.1蓝牙模块 13
4.3.2通信模块 14
4.3.3报警模块 16
4.4手机软件设计 18
第五章 蓝牙寻物系统的安装与调试 22
5.1硬件系统安装 22
5.2硬件电路焊接问题与经验总结 22
5.3硬件调试问题及解决方法 22
5.4软件系统调试 23
5.4.1 软件编程方法及注意点 23
结 语 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26
附录1整体电路原理图 27
附录2元器件清单 28
附录3部分源程序 29
附录4硬件实物图 33 [资料来源:https://www.doc163.com]