
摘 要
This paper is a single-chip light, acoustic signal processing in order to achieve tracing the car intelligent system design, including system is divided into several modules to achieve.
System in accordance with the division of functions as follows: path identification module (through an external infrared sensor incoming signal), the DC motor driver module (by the ultrasonic sensor incoming signal), steering gear steering module, the speed measurement modules, power modules, microcontroll ercontrol system module, to run the debug module, and and so on on. Received feedback signal from the microcontroller calculated issued a directive to adjust the run.
Finally, the STC-ISP software program written to microcontroller, testing, debugging, to achieve the expected results of the experiment. Experiment is expected to reach the results that the car can be along the designated black line tracking forward and effectively unblinded.
key words:Tracking; smart unblinded; microcontroller; infrared, ultrasonic detectors


目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1使用和发展历史 1
1.2课题研究的目的和意义 3
第2章智能循迹小车模块设计 5
2.1系统构架 5
2.2路径识别模块 5
2.3直流电机驱动模块 10
2.4舵机转向模块 11
2.5速度测量与蔽障模块 12
2.6电源控制模块 13
2.7单片机控制系统模块 14
2.8主控板原理图 16
第3章 软件及程序设计思路 17
3.1软件调试平台 17
3.2驱动动力程序设计 17
3.3总体软件流程 18
3.4循迹流程设计 19
3.5 避障流程设计 22
3.6测距子程序流程图 23
第4章 制作安装与调试 25
4.1安装步骤 25
4.2测试场景介绍实际测试结果 25
4.3小车的调试 26
4.4电机PWM控制的调试过程 26
结 论 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 31
附 录 32