
摘 要
The design of basing on MATLAB AC induction motor Cascade Speed control system
This paper mainly discusses the basic principle and the implementation methods of wound rotor induction motor cascade speed control system. wound rotor induction motor cascade speed control system is a speed control system of fed type. In the development of China’s AC speed technology, it is a system of simple structure, faster development and wilder application. The basic principle of the system is using a rectifier circuit which can not be controlled to change the rotor alternating electromotive force into a DC electromotive force. Then, using a Three-phase controlled rectifier circuit which are working in the inverter status to obtain an adjustable DC voltage. The obtained DC voltage acts as an additional electromotive force. After, we change the additional electromotive force to achieve an adjustable speed.
The design of wound rotor induction motor double-loop cascade speed control system includes the main circuit design, the control circuit design, the protection circuit design and MATLAB simulation. The design of the main circuit includes the uncontrolled rectifier circuit design, the controlled rectifier design and the inverter transformer design. The design of control circuit is mainly the double-loop control system design of Current regulator and Speed regulator. Taking into account the possible problems when the system is running, syetem have designed the Protection circuit. Moreover, in order to obtain an intuitive static and dynamic performance, The system uses MATLAB simulation . [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Keywords : Wound rotor asynchronous motor; Cascade control system; Double-loop control system; Matlab simulink .
型号:YR355M1-4 接法:定子 /转子Y
空载转数: =1500r/min 过载倍数: ;
功率因素: =0. 额定效率: 93.0%
定子电压: =380V 定子电流: =297A
转子额定线电压: =301V 转子额定电流: =325
额定功率: =160kw 转动惯量:
额定转数/最低转速: =1485r/min/

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
绪 论 1
第一章 串级调速系统的基本原理 3
1.1串级调速控制系统的工作原理 3
1.2系统设计的技术参数 5
1.3系统设计任务 6
第二章 主电路的设计和计算 7
2.1设计思路 7
2.2电动机参数的计算 8
2.3逆变变压器的选择和计算 9
2.4转子整流器的选择和计算 11
2.5可控硅元件的选择和计算 12
2.6等效直流电路总阻抗和总电感的计算 13
第三章 主电路的保护电路设计 15
3.1过电压保护 15
3.1.1交流侧过电压保护 15
3.1.2直流侧过电压保护 17
3.1.3晶闸管两端的过电压保护 18
3.2过电流保护 19
3.3过载保护 20
3.4缺相保护 20
第四章 控制电路的设计 22
4.1设计思路 22
4.2基本原理 22
4.3控制系统的动态结构图 23
4.4控制电路的参数计算 23
4.4.1静态参数的计算 23
4.4.2电流环的设计及计算 25
4.4.3转速环的设计与调节器参数的选择 28
第五章 MATLAB仿真 30
5.1控制系统仿真模型的建立 30
5.2仿真结果及其分析 31
结 论 37
参考文献 39
感 谢 40
附录一 绕线式异步电动机串级调速控制系统主电路图 41
附录二 绕线式异步电动机串级调速控制系统控制电路图 42