
摘 要
随着今天科学技术的进步, 各种新型的电子设备不断涌现,这些电子设备在各个不同的领域为我们的生活提供了许多便利。而这些电子设备无一例外的需要一个电源来为他们提供动力。这些电源大都为直流流稳压电源。
关键词:电源 直流 电源测试 稳压 效率转换
The design and realization of DC regulated power supply
With the development of science and technology , a variety of new electronic devices are emerging. These electronic devices offer many conveniences to our life in every field of our life. And these electronic devices, without exception, need a power supply to provide them with power, most of these power are DC regulated power supply. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
The design plans to complete a can provide a stable output of DC regulated power supply. In this paper, the current status of the DC regulated power supply is discussed, and then the difference between different DC regulated power supply is analyzed, and the scheme of the design of DC regulated power supply is demonstrated. Followed by chapter three parts of a DC regulated power supply to achieve design and analysis, discuss each part parameters setting, parameters such as the transistor, rectifier diode parameters, parameters of transformer, filter capacitor parameter and with some were welding and debugging of the whole circuit. The fourth chapter details the process of the production of the circuit and components of the problems encountered, as well as the various problems encountered during the commissioning analysis. In the last fifth chapters, the measurement of the circuit and the output result is carried out, the voltage 12V output is measured, and the output of the 2A current is measured, and the load regulation rate and conversion efficiency are calculated. And summarized in the sixth chapter..
Key Words : Power Supply;DC;Power test;Regulator;Efficiency conversion

目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 设计背景和意义 1
1.2 目前相关技术的发展情况 2
第二章 方案论证 3
2.1、直流稳压电源设计课题分析 3
2.2线性直流稳压电源原理 3
2.2.1线性稳压电源的优点: 4
2.2.2线性稳压电源的缺点: 4
2.3开关稳压电源原理 5
2.3.1开关稳压电源优点: 5
2.3.2开关稳压电源缺点: 6
2.4方案选择 6
第三章硬件设计 7
3.1模块电路设计 7
3.1.1稳压电路设计 8
3.1.2滤波电路 10
3.1.3整流电路 11 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
3.1.4变压器的选择 13
3.1.5 液晶显示 14
3.1.6负载部分 16
3.2 整体电路框图 17
3.3 PCB版图 18
第四章 电路制作与调试 20
4.1.1 器件选用 20
4.1.2 电路焊接 20
4.1.3 电路测试 21
4.2 电路调试时出现的问题及分析 24
第五章 电路测量与相关计算 27
5.1 输出电压测量 27
5.2 输出电流测量 27
5.3转换效率测量与计算 28
5.4负载调整率测量与计算 29
5. 5电压调整率测量与计算 30
第六章总结 31
6.1总结 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34